Consider These 5 Features for Your New Home

Consider These 5 Features for Your New Home

Building a new home means you get the opportunity to customize the property to accommodate your family’s needs, lifestyle, and preferences. Customizations range from layout and design to finishes, fixtures, and appliances. You can be creative and contribute ideas that...
3 Ways to Make Your Home Energy-Efficient

3 Ways to Make Your Home Energy-Efficient

Reducing your carbon footprint will help the environment and save you money. Learning to use less electricity and fewer resources is a challenge, but it is possible. How do you know what will actually make a difference in the long run? Let’s look at three proven ways...
What is a 4-Point Inspection?

What is a 4-Point Inspection?

In Florida, you will likely need a 4-point inspection before getting homeowners insurance on an older home. You may not be familiar with this service or what it entails. This article explains the 4 parts of a 4-point inspection and why an insurance company might...